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Where dreams take flight.

Education is the understanding of different social norms and rules. Education is important to build knowledge, but it does not necessarily cultivate the good in people. The good in people is born from an understanding of all people - from different geographic backgrounds, cultures, and ethnicities.

Our Mission!

To provide project initiatives to youth to raise funds and serve humanity in need through donations and service, instill generosity and compassion in children, provide technology education, leadership and communication skills to youth.

About Us

About Us

Doveto Inc.

Doveto is a non-profit organization founded with the goal of providing youth within our community an outlet to serve those in need, by donation or by service, and cultivate leaders among those that will lead our future. Currently Doveto promotes youth leadership via the Toastmasters Gallant Gaveliers Club and Youth Leadership Program, communication and robotics classes, as well as the First Lego League FBI (Fascinating Bot Intelligence) team. 


At Doveto, we believe that education is significant to building knowledge, but doesn’t necessarily develop the good in people. This good in people is born from an understanding of all people - from different geographic backgrounds, cultures, and ethnicities. Therefore we also aim to spark joy, generosity, and compassion in our youth for mental and spiritual growth. 


Doveto was officially chartered in 2019, and from then on all raised proceeds have been put towards supporting the education of foster children. This mission continues to expand as students’ passions do and proceeds will be donated towards animal shelters, climate change organizations, and even as scholarship money to fuel a passion for learning in those who lack the opportunity. 

About Us

Upcoming Events

Aug 13th

August 27


Aug 7th

Guest Speaker - Niharika Suravarjjala 

Gallant Gaveliers Elections


Aug 7th

Doveto Family Picnic

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Interested in supporting our cause? Donate now!

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